HiringBranch Inc, April 2020
Background and Objectives
The client in this case study is a 7000-employee contactcenter company with global operations. Exceptionalcommunication with customers is critical to their success.They require employees to have a high level of soft skillswith advanced language proficiency in voice and chatprocesses.
The client experiences high turnover rates and largerecruitment volumes, which is common in the industry.With over 500 recruitment tests every month, manualevaluation is too costly, time-consuming and inconsistent.
In 2019, the client approached HiringBranch with a request to automate the assessment of pre-hire candidates’ free speech and writing. The automated score would replace manual scoring on language proficiency and soft skills, and align with their existing rubric. The objectives were to reduce time, reduce cost, centralize reporting, and eliminate inconsistencies due to human bias common in manual evaluation processes.
Automating the evaluation process would save the client 250 resource hours per month.
The AI Assessment
HiringBranch has developed an AI assessment platform that automatically evaluates a candidate’s free speech and writing, including soft skills and language proficiency. The platform is cloud-based, cost-effective and fast. Assessment scores are returned immediately.
Using this platform, HiringBranch created an assessment that scores free writing responses to 10 different customer inquiries. Candidates from the client’s recruitment and training programs took the chat assessment.
The Results
The AI platform’s scores proved accurate 78% of the time, with the remaining tests less than 10% outside the acceptable range (95% of the time).
In addition, the platform removed inconsistencies and bias in human scoring.
Based on these results, the LearningBranch AI assessment has replaced the manually-scored communication test for one pre-hire program. This has immediately eliminated the time required to manually score over 100 tests per month. Once the assessment is fully deployed, it will save the client over 250 resource hours per month.
The client is now implementing the automated HiringBranch assessment throughout recruitment, training and operations.